Education Lifeline Thrown to Yemeni Children

Cover photo: Primary school students participate in class in a newly rehabilitated school in Hadramawt. Source: IOM Yemen 2022
Strengthening education in Yemen thanks to generous international cooperation
Almost 827,000 Yemeni children received UNICEF education support thanks to $6.2 million from KSrelief.
This provided access to formal and non-formal learning, including school supplies for 300,000 students.
The program also trained teachers, improved hygiene in schools, and reached nearly 4.9 million people with awareness campaigns.
Nearly 827,000 Yemeni children have been given a lifeline to education thanks to a $6.2 million contribution from the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief).
The program, implemented by UNICEF, focused on ensuring both formal and non-formal learning opportunities for vulnerable girls and boys. A key achievement was supporting over 527,000 children to participate in the 2022-2023 national exams, allowing them to progress in their education.
"Across the country, one in four children of basic school age is out of school," said Peter Hawkins, UNICEF Representative to Yemen. "Thanks to contributions from partners like KSrelief, UNICEF can continue to respond to the educational needs of Yemen's most vulnerable children."
The funding also provided 300,000 students with school supplies and recreational kits to ease the financial burden on families and encourage children to attend school.
Beyond supporting students directly, the program invested in improving the learning environment. Over 7,520 teachers in 17 governorates received training, and hygiene kits were provided to 71,956 students and cleaning kits to 120 schools.
UNICEF's outreach efforts reached nearly 4.9 million people, including caregivers, through awareness campaigns. Additionally, nearly 26,000 community mobilizers and leaders were engaged, along with 2,500 families.
This collaboration between UNICEF and KSrelief highlights the ongoing commitment to address the critical needs of Yemeni children.
@UNICEFYemen @KSreliefCentre