About 248 people lost their lives during the rainy season in #Yemen this year. In Hajjah Governorate alone, 54 civilians lost their lives due to lightning strikes.

According to a current update, Yemen recently had greater rainfall than usual, varied in intensity and accompanied by lightning and thunder. According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the rainy season began earlier than usual this year, in March 2023, and lasted until the end of September 2023.
According to data, significant rains and flooding impacted 21 of 22 Yemeni governorates this year, affecting over 308 thousand people. Loss of life, loss of home and infrastructure, loss of livelihood, injuries, and evictions were among the losses. In addition, 59 internal displacement sites were destroyed.
Approximately 248 individuals died in Yemen during this year's rainy season. Lightning strikes killed 54 individuals in the Hajjah Governorate alone. This year's wet season showed a new pattern of increasing thunderstorm occurrence, which has also been related to climate change.
Cyclone Tej, for example, is the most devastating climate event in Yemen in 2023, emphasizing the importance of strengthening communities' ability to sustain and adapt to climate change through strategies such as active participation and cooperation among residents, local authorities, and non-governmental organizations, strengthening the social fabric and economic capabilities, and integrating climate-smart technologies and smart design practices into communities.
Furthermore, mitigation techniques are critical in decreasing possible damage from severe rains, floods, and thunderstorms. Implementing robust stormwater management systems, for example, allows surplus rainwater to be adequately absorbed and filtered before reaching overburdened sewer systems or creating flash floods. Alternatively, save water for later use.
Furthermore, enforcing suitable building rules that require elevated foundations for structures in flood-prone areas reduces the danger of damage during severe weather events. Lightning rods on buildings can safely redirect electrical energy to the ground, reducing the risk of fires or structural damage caused by strikes.
A comprehensive approach that involves public awareness campaigns on emergency preparedness as well as investments in resilient infrastructure is ultimately critical in preventing damage from severe rains, floods, and thunderstorms.